Breezy Days: August 2018


August 30, 2018

Cliff Diving

Originally Written May 2018

My body can't tell if I'm about to put in my two weeks notice or jump off a cliff.

I'm equally excited and terrified. I was given an amazing opportunity to work with a growing tech company and jumped at the chance. It means advancing in my career, flexibility for future family plans, and contributing to growth in this company.

But that means leaving behind my work family I've been with for almost 4 years.

It's a weird feeling being at work knowing I'm not going to be here in 2 weeks. Business as usual for everyone else, but I am noticing all the small things.

Students saying hi to me from the time I pull up my car at work.

Co-workers stopping mid-email draft to tell me a funny story from their weekend.

Nerdy mentors stopping by my desk to snag some Mrs. Calls chocolates or show off the new shoes they just bought.

It's funny to be nostalgic for somewhere I haven't even left yet.

Change is the name of the game, but that doesn't make it any easier. Wish me luck!