Breezy Days: September 2011


September 27, 2011

Birthday Shhhhh Birthday Shhhhh...

First time I ever heard that song by Jeremiah I really thought the words were "Birthday shhhhh"...embarrassing but true. Thank you to Utah radio! So, as a joke I started putting other words in place of "shhhhh" such as: gift, money, cake, etc. Yup, so tacky and cheesy. THEN I heard the real un-edited song on California radio and started yelling CAKE which were soon followed by awk looks from my friends...I realized I had been in utah for a little too long.

This is just one of my many birthday related stories. So. TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY. If you wanted to know I absolutely LOVE my birthday. Not because of presents (ok...sometimes! don't judge me you do too ;), not because of cake (I actually don't care for cake that much, it's all about brownies), it's because I get to tromp around announcing the countdown to my birthday starting September 1st, I have a reason to throw a BOMB themed party to get all my friends together, anddd I have an excuse to dress up real nice.
Plus, when I talk to people the whole day it somehow always leads to....Ya it's my birthday today :) Be happy for me and wish me a happy birthday. Itso facto.

I love: announcing my birthday to strangers, giving a text countdown to my family to annoy them, throwing THEMED parties, and being one year older and wiser. Lets go back the last two years and see what was up then.....

September 28, 2009
This is me today, holding a picture from my 18th birthday. If you think I look like a crackhead in my party's because I was a crackhead in a party hat. All drugged up on prescription pills and I had just been woken up. My new friends knew I was having a difficult time (hardly any family in Utah, just broken up with previous bf, and oh, had gotten in a car accident with a slew of injuries to follow, which explains my druggie-ness), SO they decided to throw me a party in the Canon Center (BYU's freshmen cafeteria)! My best friend Sterling (the one in the glasses), roused me from my drug induced sleep by calling incessantly, throwing rocks at my window, and finally grabbing an RA to open up my door so he could come wake me up. He dragged me to the Canon where I walked up to a fully decorated birthday table, including my bestest friends in "Happy birthday" party hats. Probably one of the sweetest things ever my friends have done for me. We ate, then we drove Sterling's VW Pasat, and listened to "Ghostride the Whip" while we, of course, ghost-rode the whip. :) 

September 25, 2010
(Alex Ford {workout barbie}, Hayley Hucks {fashionista barbie}, Me! {50's barbie} Marissa Pinnegar {Tahitian barbie}, Kaeli Wood {collegiate barbie})

Barbie and Ken themed dance party!!
So pretty much everyone in this pic is married now and had barely met there soon-to-be husbands. Crazy what happens in a year! These are my roommates and we decided to throw a themed joint-bday dance party, because Kaeli's bday is the 25 and mine the 28. Sterling (my bff who is on a mission right now), brought his bomb speakers and his mac which is a gold mine for awesome music and we invited everyone to come by and dress as Barbie or Ken! Lots of pink balloons, pink napkins, pink themed food, pink punch, etc was there :)
{Sterling with his bomb speakers and mac}
{The Birthday Girls}
{Us with Allen Berg aka Preppy Ken}
{Workout Barbie and Ken, who happened to meet at this party...then dated...then got married this summer. It was meant to be!}

Itso facto. My birthdays are the BOMB.COM. I will not settle for any less. And as crazy as I am about my birthday? I love others that much too :) 

<3 Bri

September 25, 2011

The Going About's of an Old-Fart Married Couple

Ok, ok, we've only been married about four months but we are definitely fall-ing ;) into a rhythm. YET, we still keep our spark (like we need to worry about losing it) by doing very exciting things such as....
Going the the World of Dance production at BYU for Ryan's humanities class. Which was full of very talented and entertaining performances including: folk dance, ballroom, ballet, tap (to "Party Rock Anthem"!), and contemporary. I've never been a huge fan of contemporary because it's usually the same flailing around the stage just to a different song every time, and a different tortured love scene. Through my many years of a So You Think You Can Dance obsession, I can now say it's my professional opinion that contemporary is poop. Especially when people at byu are flailing around in ORANGE TIE-DYE SPANDEX and pushing around a trampoline. What the fluff?!
Sept. 23, 2011....BYU vs. UofU
Most. Depressing. Game. Ever. We had the most BOMB seats ever, 10 rows behind the endzone, and what does byu do? FUMBLE THE BALL MULTIPLE TIMES. We still had fun though, anddd we ate churros. My fav :) 
...and btw that's Evan, my brother, he is 18 at byu with me and is sometimes mistaken to be my: twin, boyfriend, or husband. Awwwwwwwk.
And finally...craft time! I found that vintage Coca-Cola wooden crate at a yard sale and absolutely HAD to have it. I had to explain to Ryan: "We can't make one at home, it's VINTAGE". He didn't particularly understand buuut still got it. The fabric underneath was 3 bucks a yard and I just sewed up the edges to make it all purdy (first time busting out my sewing machine in a while, it felt good, like getting back to the gym after being in a I should be doing, going the the gym...eek). And there is Halloween candy from Winco in the canisters in the Coca-Cola box :)

Last night I was on a craft craze and it was a life or death situation if I didn't make it to Michaels to get stuff to make my wreath. Ryan was extremely patient for a while until we were wandering around the store for twine then we were done. Props to my manly man for meandering a craft store. Wreath soon to be posted! And I'm looking at sewing a maxi skirt.... cross your fingers for me! 

<3 Bri

September 23, 2011

Definition of an Easy-Breezy Day

Dress: Francescas, Jacket: American Eagle, Sandals: Charlotte Russe, Bracelets: Home-made

So this is my first EVER post on my long road of being a fashion blogger. This dress was bought pre-wedding and it's been an anchor in my wardrobe ever since. For the longest time I believed that a maxi-dress would make me look more of a midget than I already am (5'3), and would make me look like I'm preggo with my curvacious figure. But, alas I was wrong, or alas I was proved wrong by my mom who actually picked out the dress. I feel elegant/bohemian/adorable in this dress! So for all you midgets, just try it out! Plus this is the debut of my new haircut, bangs a la Reese Witherspoon :)

The button bracelet is one I made with some fabric from Wal-Mart, just messin around and I actually love it. And the other bracelet is a zipper if you couldn't see what that random piece of metal was around my wrist. It has an elephant charm on it :) These things will show up on my "soon to debut" Etsy shop, look at me being all domestic and wife-y. 

<3 Bri

September 20, 2011

Here's Your Explanation

So I'm sure EVERYONE is wondering why I changed the name of the blog.

+Brios is already in our URL so our namesake is still in this blog :
+I'm the only one ever writing on this, after all my failed attempts to get Ryan to write on this, I decided to re-name and re-vamp it to simplicity AN
+I'm thinking I want to start a fashion blog

A fashion/life blog talks about the going on's in my life AND I dress up and take pictures and have a showcase for all my creative outfits. Fun stuff huh? I was inspired by a few other fashion bloggers who all happen to be MORMON. Which I don't think is a coincidence. To be modest and cute, you gotta be creative. Because any of you who have shopped in your life know that all the modest/cute (not modest old lady stuff) clothes tend to be more expensive, and Mormons tend to be cheapskates. Itso facto Mormons make, thrift, bargain shop, or re-create all their clothing. Or if you want to be cheap, modest, and not have to work for it? Easy solution, a moo moo which you can locate in any local Wal-Mart.

Now that I'm done with a part of my clothing rant I'll go on to explain the blog title.
My name is Brianna (pronounced Bree-ah-na, yes I know it's complicated, you can just stick to...)
My nickname Bri (pronounced Bree, and not spelled Brie like the cheese)
Other nicknames include: Bri, B-ster, BREEZE, Bri-baby, Bee, or Beast-a (please don't ever call me that)
And did you like my little caps lock there in the list? It was to call your attention to my witty play on words. 
Nickname: Breeze=Breezy (said the same way)


Days=all the days I live in my life...

Cute huh? Ya ya ya I'm a nerd, it's one of my many ways of cracking myself up.

Anywhoodle, there you have it. This post is actually a stress relief from my studying of an upcoming Statistics test. BLEH. Pictures of the horrible Byu vs. Utah game coming soon. 


September 11, 2011

Mountain Man Montana; Sunny So-Cal; & Usual Utah

So, this is what we have been up to since the wedding, if I wanted to I could fill this whole blog page with our summer extravaganza, but to spare you and me I'll sparknote AND add pictures to it.

First, we moved to Portland, OR where Ryan sold pest control. (17 hours from Corona, CA)
On a ferry ride from Canby to Lake Oswego.
We went with the Ecofirst team to visit Multnomah Falls.

Next, we went to So-Cal to pick up some more of our wedding stuff.
Eating sushi at Kokoro's in Lake Elsinore, CA
Jesse locking my mom's phone with a message and annoying beeping on a friday visit to On the Border.

After, we drove up to Orem, UT to drop off my car and more stuff in our apartment. (10 hours from Corona)
Celebrating our new place! We ate off of storage boxes and a yoga mat for a week before we moved in all the furniture.

Then, we continued on up to Missoula, MT to stay with the Maki clan. (8 hours from Orem)

Following that, we went to Libby, MT to attend a gorgeous reception on the Maki Ranch. (4 hours from Missoula)
Our ad in the local newspaper :)

After, the reception we drove back down to Orem, UT to start setting up our new home. (12 hours from Libby, MT)
Ryan looking a little sick and tired of driving on our way back to Orem.

Now, we live in a beautiful basement apartment that is now our home after many trips from the storage unit downstairs and much organizing.

Grand total:
68 hours of driving (12 extra for Ryan)
4 trips to the storage unit
10 big pieces of furniture stuffed down the narrow staircase
6 plastic bins full of clothes/scarves/socks/tights to organize
8 boxes of kitchen supplies to unpack
1 bed to put together

September 9, 2011

Goodbye Facebook!

I've decided to delete my facebook and just stick to updating my blog once a week for many reasons.

1. I spend way too much time facebook stalking (secret's out! ok, not really)
2. I can spend my time doing more productive things
     a. Doing homework
     b. Sleeping
     c. Reading
     d. Going to the gym
     e. Honing my cooking/decorating/officiating/tennis/music skillage
     f. Actually CALLING to contact people to eventually see them FACE-TO-FACE rather than
      commenting on a bunch of crap online
     g. (insert a reason why you should delete your fb too)

Thus, after this weekend I'm going to delete it and go back to the pre-fb way of living. I will do my best to update here on my newly fabulous blog! Things to come:

-Pictures of our newly decorated awesome sauce basement apartment
-What married people actually do in their spare time
-School information
-and much more!

I love you all and hope to see comments on here from you! If you want to send me a lengthy message my email is:

<3 Bri