First time I ever heard that song by Jeremiah I really thought the words were "Birthday shhhhh"...embarrassing but true. Thank you to Utah radio! So, as a joke I started putting other words in place of "shhhhh" such as: gift, money, cake, etc. Yup, so tacky and cheesy. THEN I heard the real un-edited song on California radio and started yelling CAKE which were soon followed by awk looks from my friends...I realized I had been in utah for a little too long.
This is just one of my many birthday related stories. So. TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY. If you wanted to know I absolutely LOVE my birthday. Not because of presents (ok...sometimes! don't judge me you do too ;), not because of cake (I actually don't care for cake that much, it's all about brownies), it's because I get to tromp around announcing the countdown to my birthday starting September 1st, I have a reason to throw a BOMB themed party to get all my friends together, anddd I have an excuse to dress up real nice.
Plus, when I talk to people the whole day it somehow always leads to....Ya it's my birthday today :) Be happy for me and wish me a happy birthday. Itso facto.
I love: announcing my birthday to strangers, giving a text countdown to my family to annoy them, throwing THEMED parties, and being one year older and wiser. Lets go back the last two years and see what was up then.....
September 28, 2009
This is me today, holding a picture from my 18th birthday. If you think I look like a crackhead in my party's because I was a crackhead in a party hat. All drugged up on prescription pills and I had just been woken up. My new friends knew I was having a difficult time (hardly any family in Utah, just broken up with previous bf, and oh, had gotten in a car accident with a slew of injuries to follow, which explains my druggie-ness), SO they decided to throw me a party in the Canon Center (BYU's freshmen cafeteria)! My best friend Sterling (the one in the glasses), roused me from my drug induced sleep by calling incessantly, throwing rocks at my window, and finally grabbing an RA to open up my door so he could come wake me up. He dragged me to the Canon where I walked up to a fully decorated birthday table, including my bestest friends in "Happy birthday" party hats. Probably one of the sweetest things ever my friends have done for me. We ate, then we drove Sterling's VW Pasat, and listened to "Ghostride the Whip" while we, of course, ghost-rode the whip. :)
September 25, 2010
(Alex Ford {workout barbie}, Hayley Hucks {fashionista barbie}, Me! {50's barbie} Marissa Pinnegar {Tahitian barbie}, Kaeli Wood {collegiate barbie})
Barbie and Ken themed dance party!!
So pretty much everyone in this pic is married now and had barely met there soon-to-be husbands. Crazy what happens in a year! These are my roommates and we decided to throw a themed joint-bday dance party, because Kaeli's bday is the 25 and mine the 28. Sterling (my bff who is on a mission right now), brought his bomb speakers and his mac which is a gold mine for awesome music and we invited everyone to come by and dress as Barbie or Ken! Lots of pink balloons, pink napkins, pink themed food, pink punch, etc was there :)
{Sterling with his bomb speakers and mac}
{The Birthday Girls}
{Us with Allen Berg aka Preppy Ken}
{Workout Barbie and Ken, who happened to meet at this party...then dated...then got married this summer. It was meant to be!}
Itso facto. My birthdays are the BOMB.COM. I will not settle for any less. And as crazy as I am about my birthday? I love others that much too :)
<3 Bri
BRI!!! Haha yes I stalked your dah-ling blog and I see this gem?! I love it. Yes, your barbie & ken party changed my life. Seriously! Haha looks like you and Ryan are doing awesome! I love all the posts. Oh and I know it's late but...Happy Birthday!
Thanks!!! I love your blog too, very stalk-able :) We are doing great!!! How are you and Tanner?! And thank you! Finally not a teen anymore!
AHHH your birthday at the Canon was the BEST!! Love you Breezy baby!!!
It seriously was!!! One of my most memorable of birthdays :) Love you too!
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