I'm sure from the overgramming on my Insta-profile, you saw that I graduated this past Friday! I'm so excited to have finally gotten to this point, and thought it would be great to compare where I was at my high school graduation and college graduation :) This post is inspired by Ashley's at Making Our Marx, make sure to head over to check it out!
17 ------> 22
Royal blue -----> Navy blue
Natural blonde curls -----> Bright blonde ombre curls
Titan -----> Cougar
1.5 year high school relationship ------> 3 year eternal marriage
Grossman ------> Rios
ASB goody-two shoes treasurer ------> Honor code rebel
California golden glow -------> Utah blinding white complexion
Only sandals in my shoe wardrobe ------> 3 pairs of booties & 7 pairs of tall boots
Secret Facebook profile -------> Public blog, Instagram, and Twitter
Thinking of a business degree -------> Family Studies, Music, and Communication degrees
Stayed away from animal print ------> Obsessed with leopard print anything
Corona, CA -------> Provo, UT
Afraid to wear my "nerdy" glasses -----> Nerdy glasses are in style & all the rage
Non-existent blonde eyebrows -----> Waxed, tinted, and filled in brows
Braces in 2004 -----> And again in 2011
Verizon flip phone -----> iPhone5
2009 -----> 2014