Breezy Days: 35 Days


April 29, 2011

35 Days

Longest. Month. Ever.
Ryan is in Oregon selling his buns off {and doing awesome I might add} for EcoFirst Pest Control, being the coolest manger there ever was.
While I sit at home being babysat by my family, so I don't split open my arm/armpit {but now I have all the 21 staples out of my body, thanks to Sister Gray!!}

This past month and a half has been a trying and tiring one, and this next month will feel really long, but hopefully {cross my fingers} fly by fast.
I will be the mushy gushy one here, I miss Ryan way too much to fit into a blog post, but the wait is definitely worth it. I get to marry my bestest friend for all time and eternity, in 34 days and 11 hours :)

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