Breezy Days: Pour Moi


May 11, 2016

Pour Moi

You all know I am all about skincare here! I enjoy trying new products and taking steps to protect my skin. Another thing you all know is that Utah is dry, and it does not bode well with my skin (even after 5+ years of living here). 

I was sent Pour Moi's skincare system and was excited to try it because it's a simple 3 product system, less hassle! What was intriguing to me is that there are 4 different day creams to choose from. There is a day cream for each type of climate you are in: Polar, Desert, Tropical, and Temperate. 

Now I have options when I'm traveling between Utah and California! I tested out this skincare system for 3 days and have already seen an improvement in the clearness of my skin. Pour Moi features a new film-forming technology that will help in lightly sealing your skin from the harsher elements. The film doesn't make you break out, and you'll only feel it if you've used too much of the product. 

1. Clean your face
Gotta start with a clean palette! Use a gentle cleanser on your skin. 

2. Hydrating Balancer
Perfect for any skin type and climate. It's a cross between a toner and light moisturizer, meant to completely clear your skin of any residue yet leave it soft. 

Less is more when it comes to all of these products! Make sure to use a tiny bit for your face. 

3. Serum
The serum in the black bottle is meant for dry and mature skin, while the white bottle is for oily combination younger skin. 

4. Day Cream or Night Cream
Pick your day cream depending on which climate you are currently in. I chose the Polar climate because the dry and cold air outside has been wrecking my skin! When I head to California I'll chance to the Desert or Temperate day creams. The night cream works for any skin type and climate. 

The idea of switching your skincare to match your environment is brilliant! Why don't you become a Pour Moi beauty and try out these products :) 

Products c/o Pour Moi Beauty

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