Breezy Days: Awkward Beginnings


June 19, 2012

Awkward Beginnings

I would like to introduce you to my brother-in-law Taylor, and his fiance Nikole.
I took some engagement pics for them yesterday & I'm super happy with how they turned out.
Granted, I'm not a super-pro photographer, but I do what I can with my 'lil Cannon & Iphoto :)

When Taylor, Nikole, Ryan and I all first met, it was kind of a rocky road.
There were assumptions and some not very good first impressions.
But, even with the weirdness, Ryan & I love our families and think it's important to try and have a good relationship with everyone.
We started off with an awkward Sunday dinner, then we moved onto a less awkward Pan Dulce run, and now we pretty much see them everyday, usually for a DC run.

Aren't all relationships/friendships kind of like that though?
You have to get over the first impression & assumptions that you have about a certain person to finally learn who they really are.
There is always that little bit of awkwardness to start off any friendship, and gosh, I'm so glad that we muscled through that rough patch with Taylor & Nikole.
They have grown so much as a couple, and I love that Ryan & I are best friend couples with them :)

Plus, I'm just really glad that I finally have a younger sister.
I was dying and curling Nikole's hair a couple weeks ago and realized that I better start practicing doing hair on other people, or else my future little girl is gonna have rats nest hair going to school everyday.
Anddddd here's Ryan trying to sneak in on their engagements.
He wishes he looked as pretty as Nikole did in her dress ;)

<3 Bri


Brooke @ Silver Lining said...

I'm glad assumptions sometimes turn into true love and beautiful pictures :)

Danielle said...

I think those pictures are awesome! Good job :)

Nikole said...

Bri! This is so sweet! I'm so glad that we got through all that silly nonsense too! I love you, big sis! Thank you for letting me borrow your clothes, and doing my hair (PS my hair is definitely NOT a rat's nest! ;) But feel free to practice on my hair as much as you want ;) ). Good heavens! I wish I could just express how thankful I am to you and Ryan for everything! We just love you. :) You are so sweet. :D I love our engagements, by the way! I made the invitations! :) The last picture with Ryan is my favorite. We're blowing it up and putting it on our wall.

Unknown said...

Ya know...I never thought of it that way, but it's totally true!

Kylee said...

I found your blog through Nikole's! Your so cute! I read all the story of us's, I can't wait for part 13! :)