Breezy Days: End of Finals Celebration


December 13, 2012

End of Finals Celebration

Yesterday morning, my last final of the Fall semester was at 7 IN THE MORNING.
When I woke up it was still dark outside.
I probably will never be a morning person, it's so heinous.

After I rocked my architecture final, I went back home and roused Ryan from his slumber to run some errands and scarf down some celebratory Kneaders french toast.

We were busy all day: gym, errands, gift shopping, family, etc.
Then Ryan asked me on a date :)

Let me first rewind before I continue on with last nights antics...
a few nights ago Ryan went up to Salt Lake with his friend to drop off his friend's sis-in-law at one of her finals, the boys had obviously hit up the mall because when they got back I saw a bag with my favorite logo on it....

"Christmas presents??"
"Yes...but I can't wait till then, can you please open it now so I know that you like it?"

I ripped it open and laying inside was this beautiful dress.
"When I saw it in the store I just knew my wife had to wear it, and I got some matching earrings so you can wear the whole outfit on a date."

Fast forward back to last night and here is the outfit!
It is soooo adorable, the perfect size, and I just love that he picked it out by himself.
Makes my heart melt!
We grabbed a smoothie, walked around the Riverwoods, and then saw Lincoln.
Wow, what an amazing movie.
Overall, it was a great day to end my Fall semester :)


Lexie said...

Love that skirt!

xoxo, Lexie

Unknown said...

Congrats on being done!! And what a sweet husband you have! Love that dress!

Kirsten Wiemer said...

first of all, thats so cute.
love your outfit, what a great guy.
second im jealous because i still have one more final. ryan and i are in a marketing class together and we always take the test together so im waiting to take it with him even though i could of been finished on wednesday.
i guess thats what you do when you're married, right?


Jessica said...

Congrats on finishing your finals! That is seriously the best feeling. And what a cute dress! I love it! Your husband is a smart man... I don't know if my fiancé could pick out a dress for me... :)

What's in a Name?

Torrie said...

That dress is hot! Your husband has such good taste :)

Halie Renee said...

He really did pick out a great dress, because you look awesome in it! What a sweet husband. Sounds like a nice end of your sememster! :)

sasha said...

What a study husband you have, Bri! Lots of men in this world can learn a thing or two from Ryan.

And congrats on successfully finishing your semester! I always loved that feeling.

P.s I love how you paired florals and leopard. One of my favorite pattern play!

sasha said...

Ugh... By "study" I mean studly. I'm typing from my phone. Please excuse all the typos!

Unknown said...

You should have seen my face when I read that your hubby bought you this dress. Bulging eyes, mouth dropped. How SWEET!!

Bev said...

UHmazing hubby you have!! To get your that adorbs skirt and entire outfit WITH earrings... score!!! AND you got to open a Cmas gift early!! Lucky lil lady ;)

Harley said...

ummm that is seriously adorable.

and the fact that he knew your size plus bought matching earrings is amazinggggggggg.

Harley said...

ummm that is seriously adorable.

and the fact that he knew your size plus bought matching earrings is amazinggggggggg.

The Mrs. and The Momma said...

Congrats on your last final!!! Whoo-hooo!!!! And how adorable that he got you that outfit!!!! You've def got a keeper there. ;)

Courtney said...

Your husband is just adorable!!

Congrats on being done with finals!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

you look smashing:)

Kelsey Bang said...

congrats on finishing finals! wahoo! what a sweet husband!

Unknown said...

I love how you mixed patterns. That skirt is gorgeous! And I absolutely love the casual look in the first photo! I want those glasses! I hate finals, and I'm glad they are over for you! -Jessica L

Carlee, Little Sloth said...

I am loving the pattern on the skirt! And yay for being done with finals. It is the best huh?
Almost Endearing

Unknown said...

Alright! Hi! You are adorable. I love that skirt. And actually whole outfit. And I am super jelly you went to Kneaders. I have been CRAVING it for weeks. But we have been too busy to go :( fails.

New follower!
Love, The Skinnys