I'm such a picky holiday person. As much as I enjoy Thanksgiving, for me it doesn't beat out Halloween or Christmas. I'm not talkin' the actual meaning of the holidays, just the hullaballoo of decorations & traditions that come with it. I love turkey and all, but then I end up sleeping the rest of the day because of it. Who wants to sleep half a holiday away?! {Ok, maybe this tired college student wants to.} I could just eat pumpkin pie all day & be perfectly happy!
Although, it hasn't been until the past few years that I've taken full advantage of the discount wonders that come with Black Friday. Discounts on all my favorite stores for a bunch of stuff that I really want but don't necessarily need? I'm on board with that. Thanksgiving week has got it's perks! Plus not working retail during the holidays this year will be such a relief.
{Remixed: Boots}
Speaking of Thanksgiving, we are leaving Monday to get started on our 14 hour trek to Portland and my house looks like a bomb exploded. Mostly because when I'm sick {and feel like death}, I could care less what the house looks like. Laundry? Sprawled everywhere. Are the bathroom/kitchen/rooms clean? A resounding...NOPE. Clothes picked out to pack? Ummm, heck no. All this thinking of cleaning/planning makes me tired...meaning that a bubble bath, good book, and Reese's pizookie must be in order :)
A Reese's fisoohkie? That sounds delicious! And I'm the same way, I do like Thanksgiving, but I'm one of those people who starts listening to Christmas music a little early... I can't help it!
Ohhhh girl, 14 hours!!!!!! At least you're making memories!!! Enjoy what you love about the day!
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