Breezy Days: Grease Lightening


February 3, 2014

Grease Lightening

Why are Mondays always so difficult?! It's probably because I party hard during the weekend and have to face the harsh reality of college life. Early classes, assignments, and tests means that I end up looking practically homeless. Beanies & no make-up here I come! Booooooo. 

This is the look I wore to visit the Midway Ice Castles {which were gorgeous by the way}, and I wore these {what I've now dubbed} grease lightening waxed denim along with my new favorite Shoedazzle knee-high boots. Look at me being all edgy!! I've been wanting to try leather leggings for a long time now, but could not find a pair that were sturdy enough...cause I don't need my goods flying out everywhere! 

{Remixed: Boots // Sweater}

I found these waxed jeans at American Eagle, and even got them on sale. Score! I like how they give the look of leather pants, but has the comfort of a normal pair of jeans. Would definitely recommend these! Plus it doesn't hurt that I now have half of my Sandy costume for this year's Halloween ;)


Jenna Griffin | Gold & Bloom said...

I am loving this entire outfit! I'm going to have to get those jeans!

Julie said...

I would definitely wear this outfit! Super cute! And I'm pretty sure I have that sweater! haha!

Courtney said...

You are too cute! I love this outfit!

Unknown said...

ohhhh buddy knee high boots, get it gurlllll!!!
Really I love the layers youve got going on!!!

Samantha Mariko said...

really cute outfit! just started snowing in tokyo too!

Alissa said...

It's currently snowing outside my window so this outfit is totally inspiring me!