Breezy Days: Road Trippin' Home


July 10, 2014

Road Trippin' Home

After a ridiculously tiring and long night cleaning up the reception, we were overly excited to wake up the next morning to eat an amazing breakfast burrito with our friend Jaz. Chorizo, egg, potato and everything else delicious that belongs in the perfect burrito. Yummmm. After we chomped down we started our 10 hour drive back to Utah! 

As we were making our drive out of Sacramento, I kept on seeing people waving at us out of the corner of my eye. I looked over in the lane next to us and saw the newlyweds on their way to their honeymoon in Lake Tahoe. What are the odds?!

I saw this gorgeous sunset as we pulled into Utah, and I felt like this crescent moon was welcoming us home. Until we got off the freeway to gas up our car and it started to slooooowwww down. We were out of gas. Literally 15 minutes away from home. Luckily my brother Jesse was awake and he snagged some gas to fill up so we could scoot the car back to Budget rentals. By then, it was time for some Wendys drive-thru and to head home. As Ryan and I cuddled up on the couch, he gave me a sweet kiss on the forehead and we both agreed that we need to start planning our next vacation together :)

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