Breezy Days: The Story of Us: Disneyland Travesty {Part 8}


February 23, 2012

The Story of Us: Disneyland Travesty {Part 8}

You all ready for this?
DUH nuh nuh NUH NUH.

I'm pretty sure you just sang that in your head.

If you are new, head up to the "Story of Us" tab and catch up on Parts 1-7.
The rest of you know the drill.
Read up!
At the end of November Ryan had been talkin' about heading down to So-Cal for a short weekend trip to meet up with his cousins in San Diego.

"Ummm, there is NO WAY you are going to San Diego and not taking me. You'll be passing right by my house!"

Ryan of course obliged to my kind request. 
Then....IT happened.

The moment he told me that he had...

And yes, that is considered a travesty. At least to me. And everyone else in California.
I grew up 30 minutes away from Disneyland my whole life and could not possibly FATHOM the fact that someone had not enjoyed, in their whole life, the happiest freaking place on earth.
That sealed it. He WILL take me to San Diego. And we WILL go to Disneyland.

In the meantime, I tell my mom about how I'm gonna take a trip with this new guy Ryan I've been dating. I ask if it would be ok for us to stay at the house for our Cali weekend.

My mom becomes suspicious.
 She asks if it's starting to get serious between us and if he intends on marrying me.

I was so offended.
I am NOT getting married till I'm at least 23 years old! 
I'm not gonna be one of those dumb BYU/Utah girls who gets married at 19.
I have to graduate first. I have places I want to travel. I want to go to Italy and France! 
Nope, nope, and no way.

I tell my mom this and she starts to chuckle and says:
"There is no way a 24 year old man is dating you and isn't at least thinking about getting married."

I would get so upset over this and vent to Ryan:
"My mom just doesn't get it! I don't want to get married! Do you?!"

"Oh no, I'm not thinking about that right now. I have plans for this next summer to go sell. We are just dating and having fun!"

I believed the fruitcake. I really truly did.
That's what I get for dating a salesman I suppose.
 Before we leave for California, on December 1st, 2010, we decide to make our boyfriend/girlfriend status official via Facebook. 
{So corny...haha}

Then on December 3rd we start to drive down to California to enjoy the sunshine, Disneyland, and unbeknownst to us...Ryan being interrogated by the fam :)

<3 Bri


Jess said...

I love the pictures in this post!
Especially the ones of you guys jumping & the feet ones :)
Make my heart melt!

In case I haven't told you enough - love this series!

Anonymous said...

Awww! I'm a new reader - I only just came across your blog yesterday! I love it already and this series is absolutely adorable!! Love the photos too!

Jenny said...

I also said I wasn't going to be one of those dumb Utah girls who gets married super fast and young. I was 23, which isn't horrible...but I had just moved to Utah from Oregon to go to school and only dated my husband for 3 months before we were engaged. Yup, I turned into a dumb Utah girl...but at least we are still married 6 1/2 years later! I love reading your cute blog posts and can't wait to meet you at the BYU blogger meet up!
Modern Modest Beauty

jas said...

soooo cute!

Kylee Noelle {the blog} said...

so cute! you two are precious. love hearing the pieces of your love story! Can't wait to read the next part :)

Sayaka said...

Adorable Pictures!! Love it!!

Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

Those pictures are adorable! it's nice to get your story in small, fun doses too. Is it bad that I skim love stories on blogs when they start to get too long and have no pictures? (I sound like a child with that comment, but I promise I am n intelligent college graduate!)