Breezy Days: A Homemade Valentine


February 13, 2012

A Homemade Valentine

I came home this morning after a long day at school, and was sooo excited to see a lil box in the mail with hearts and "Happy Valentine's!" written all over it :)

And yes. 
I am totally one of those girly girls who wear red&pink&hearts on February 14th in celebration of this cute and fun-loving holiday.
With Melina's Valentine swap I was paired up with a girl from So-Cal {meant to be right?!}, we exchanged a few emails and I found out that she went to the same college as me!
And actually has family up here too!
What are the odds??
Just wanted to share Paige's talent, and give her a shout out and say thanks for putting in the time to make and send this. 
This cute lil homemade Valentine made my day :)

Can't wait for tomorrow, to share Valentine's with my eternal sweetheart!
<3 Bri


Mariana said...


Happy Valentine's Day!!

Harley said...

that card is seriously adorable.

xxyy said...

so cute.xx

Paige Taylor Evans said...

So glad it got there! Happy Valentine's Day!

Cait Emma said...

what an adorable card! i want one!! xo happy v-day!

Rebecca said...

What an adorable valentine card! I love the stitching.

See Me Rwar

Ashley Slater said...

oh that is the CUTEST valentine ever!

and second, not sure if you know this but you have your email set to "no reply" in your account! that means when you comment on other blogs no one can respond to it! I was trying to reply to the comment you left on my post yesterday and figured I would tell you!


Chelsea said...

How fun!!! I absolutely love it.

Melu103 said...

awww you got Paige!

she is amazing
and really talented when
it comes to crafts ♥

happy valentine's day doll


Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

Oh my goodness. So I saw your husband on campus today. Haha. I wanted to say hi but that would have made me theee ultimate creeper. Hope you had a nice Valentines day! (: