Here is Part One.
Now onto Part Two!
Marissa lived in the same room as myself during my sophomore year of college, so we would have tons of those coveted late night girl talks till 2-3 in the morning.
During one of these late night conversations she told me what Ryan had said about me after we had first met.
Pretty much, Ryan said that he WOULD get me to date him.
Only after just seeing me. Not even talking to me.
I'm sure that most girls would be swooning and think:
"Oh my goooshhhh, that's SO romantic! It's like love at first sight!"
Me, being me, thought:
"Ummm, since when did he just get to decide that he is going to date me?! The guy didn't even try to talk to me. He just thinks he is going to take me out on some measly lil' date and then get to mack {kiss/make-out} with me. That's not how I roll. Nope nope. No thanks."
With that thought in my head, I continued on with classes, and was ready to leave that weekend, to fly back to California for a friend's mission farewell that was on October 31, 2010.
He made the first move. Via facebook. Can I just say I love this "See Friendship" option?
I received Ryan's wall post, and then I got into a banter war with one of Ryan's good friends Tj.
I met Tj at my birthday party in September and had just recently found out that they were friends, and Tj thought I was a skunk cause I made fun of his belt...that was just a piece of rope.
{Could you blame me? And Tj ended up being one of our groomsmen... :)}
And btw, my maiden name is Grossman. This knowledge will make sense soon.
Towards the end I was obviously scraping the barrel for some jokes. But you get the idea.
Later that night I posted:
And after that we didn't see each other or talk until I got back into Provo on the night of the 31st.
Which...I should probably mention that I was dating another guy at this time.
We shall call this other guy, Chex Mix.
It wasn't anything serious, he worked as a bouncer at dances and I thought he was cute.
Anddd that was that.
After driving back from the airport I walked into my apartment and was greeted by all my roommates...and Ryan.
I started telling my roommates of all the craziness I had to go through to even get ON the plane {which I will save for a different post}, what happened over the weekend, and how my family was doing.
That's when I turned for a split second in the midst of telling my story...and noticed Ryan.
Intently listening to my story with a lil' smirk on his face.
Not gonna lie I was pretty flattered.
This cute brown guy was quiet and eagerly listening to my stories, it was...kinda sweet.
Dress: Anthropologie. Necklace: made by me. Sweater, Shoes: Target. Purse: Magic Step.
Toe Nail Polish: Essie Turquoise & Caicos
Then, a few minutes later, Chex Mix came walking through the door to come pick me up, so we could go out for some hot chocolate and catch up before I had to get crackin' on homework.
I said goodbye to everyone, then left.
With Ryan's smirking face still stuck in my mind...
<3 Bri
CUTE!!! :)
loved the conversation :) so cute!
This is like reading a novel lol
I'm so sucked in and get mad when I have to wait for the next part ;)
Love those shoes by the way!
So cute!!
p.s. - Lovely dress.
Awwww so cute. Excited to hear part three!!
Cute story! I love it when people share their love stories.
Ha I love reading other peoples love stories!! Yours is so cute!!
So sweet! I'm loving this red dress too!
found the route
My Favorite part was about me.....
My Favorite part was about me.....
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